On November 15, 2022, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) finalized FSMA Rule 204. If your organization deals with foods including cheeses, nut butters, fin fish, bivalves/mollusks, domesticated chicken eggs, certain vegetables and more, you need ...
As a leader, you know that the food industry constantly evolves. Right now, we’re in the midst of the most sweeping food supply chain collaboration project in history, thanks to the FDA’s update to Section 204 of the Food Safety Modernization Act (FS...
Are ricotta, feta or cream cheese in your recipes or on your shelves? These and the many, many more cheeses listed on FDA’s Food Traceability List (FTL) are now subject to more food traceability requirements under Section 204(d) of the FDA Food Safet...
Beyond the FDA’s new FSMA 204 regulations, food traceability is good for the industry. Having a solid, technology-based track and trace program in place makes the recall process faster, easier and less expensive. Additionally, tracking where a ...
ReposiTrak is forming the Food Traceability Leadership Consortium to help food retail industry leaders collaborate on the development of open, low-cost, easy-to-use food-tracing technology. The consortium is an invitation-only group of food retailers...
Everyone knows there are serious errors in the extended retail supply chain, leading to everything from having 22 years of inventory for a type of hot sauce in the warehouse to being out of the top-promoted item two days into a two-week campaign. Wha...
The Food Traceability Leadership Consortium will explore possible solutions to the FDA’s proposed traceability regulations under the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA). The Consortium announced that the optimal solution to traceability challenges w...
When supply chain disruptions strike, risk mitigation strikes back. And, it does so in many forms. Whether it’s enhanced software, improved employee training or solutions equipped with visibility features, managing risk is a 24/7/365 job. It requires...
“Meaningful CSR programs are about setting and achieving sourcing and spend goals that align with a company’s diversity and sustainability values.” said Randy Fields, Chairman and CEO of ReposiTrak.
Date: March 17, 2021 The focus of food fraud prevention has evolved through the years from operational to tactical, and now, to very strategic. With this the case, Dr. John Spink, director of the Food Fraud Initiative at Michigan State University, wi...