
Dealing With Distractions of DSD | Direct-store delivery can aid variety and service—but looking after it is a task. 

Despite some high-profile supplier departures and a belief among at least some in the industry that stores might be better served dealing with fewer suppliers, consumer shopping trends portend a continued increase in direct-store delivery as a means ...

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Will local products save supers – or kill them?

Consumers have made it clear that they are looking for more local and specialty products in their neighborhood supermarkets. This is the most recent, and perhaps most pronounced, phase in the evolution of consumer tastes and preferences, a trend that...

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Growing demand for local products leads to out-of-stocks

Inventories have ballooned nearly three-fold over the last two decades as localization has been embraced to protect market share and profitability. Yet, localization just might hasten the death of certain banners unless steps are taken to control the...

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