Webinar | Leveraging Your SQFI Audit Database to Automate Supplier Approval Programs…and More

News & Blog

Digging through files or binders to prepare for an audit getting you down?
Are you looking to automate how you approve suppliers and maintain all the required regulatory and business documents?

You’re in luck! 
Your audit registration and results reporting are already managed using the technology that can help you expand audit compliance to your entire food safety program.

As an SQF-registered supplier, you can:

  • …save valuable time and money by automating your record keeping.
  • …automate a lot or a little…it’s up to you. Consider starting with the management of your approved supplier program, and then expand to include all of the programs in your food safety manual.
  • …customize as needed. The system was designed for flexibility. You decide what data you need to collect and the frequency to fit your business needs.
  • …spend an hour to learn more.  It’s less expensive than you might think.

Download additional information here:

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