
Alerts & Notifications Management

Tips on Alerts & Notifications Hayden Sybrant | June 25, 2019 Hayden reviewed the effective management of alerts & notifications, touching on why they’re an important function in compliance management. Copy of presentation. ...

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Item-level Compliance for Sustainability, Business & Social Compliance

Item-level Compliance for Sustainability, Business & Social Compliance Lisa Seethaler | May 28, 2019 Lisa reviewed how item-level compliance works to support sustainability, business & social compliance initiatives using attribute co...

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Compliance Transparency with Distributors & Brokers

Compliance Management through Distributorships & Brokerages Kent Rice | March 26, 2019 Kent reviewed the preferred approach to obtaining compliance documents from a supplier who uses a broker or distributor. Including a review of the &#8...

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eSign Documents: Why, How and Which Docs are Best

eSign Documents: Why, How and Which Docs are Best Joe Meherg | February 26, 2019 In this short webinar, Joe shared why some documents make better eSign documents and which are best to create as eSigns. Also shared was how a provider can have...

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COIs, Everything you Want (need) to Know

COIs, Everything you Want (need) to Know Monica McCluskey | January 29, 2019 In this short webinar, Monica shared everything you need to know about Certificates of Insurance (COI) and how to upload and manage them in ReposiTrak. Copy of pres...

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