You’re here because your customer has made it a requirement for your company to do traceability. For certain foods, traceability is also a requirement of the law under the U.S. Food and Drug Association (FDA) Food Safety Modernization Action Section 204(d) or FSMA 204.

The ReposiTrak Traceability Network® enables the fast, easy exchange of Traceability Lot Codes and other traceability information known as Key Data Elements (KDEs), the term used by the FDA to describe the specific pieces of data used to track the path of products through the supply chain.

Once connected to the ReposiTrak Traceability Network, suppliers can share traceability information with an unlimited number of in-network retail and wholesale customers to meet their traceability requirements.

To get connected, simply follow the link you received in the email invitation from ReposiTrak on behalf of your customer. The “Get Started” link in that email will take you to a self-guided, step-by-step process where we’ll gather information, help you to create a “test” file and also choose a way to send us your traceability file for every shipment. If you have questions or lost your link, please contact

Below, is more information about the different ways you can share your traceability data with ReposiTrak. In the tabs to the right, you’ll find detail about each required KDE, the various communications protocols that you can use, FAQs, and more.

KDEs need to be shared through the ReposiTrak Traceability Network every time you ship your product to your customer. There are three ways you can get this information to us:

  • Fully Automated – If you already have a working system that contains your traceability data, then you can set up an automated export directly from that system to ReposiTrak. We’ll accept files in any format including Excel (XLSX), Comma Separated Values (CSV) and Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). You’ll also be provided with options for how to send your files to us automatically. You can explore the different communications protocols on tab 3. CHOOSE YOUR DATA SHARING PROTOCOL. The most common protocols we see are FTP, SFTP, AS2 and SMTP email.
  • Semi-Automated – There are two ways that you can semi-automate how you share your traceability data with ReposiTrak for every shipment:
    • Automated export/manual send: If you have a way to automatically export the data from your systems, but not a way to automatically send it to us, choose this method. In tab 2. CREATE TRACEABILITY FILE, you’ll find Excel and CSV templates that you can use as a model for your file exports. Once you have your files set up, you can then manually email the file to ReposiTrak every time a shipment is sent OR upload your file online within your ReposiTrak account.
    • Manual export/automated sent: We also provide options for suppliers who need to pull their data manually, but have a way to automatically send files to ReposiTrak. In tab 2. CREATE TRACEABILITY FILE, you’ll find Excel and CSV templates that you can use as a model for your files. Then, on your side, you can place file you created in a directory on your network that is setup to automatically send the file through either FTP, SFTP or SMTP email to ReposiTrak.
  • Manual – Manual data entry processes are possible, but have a greater risk of errors due to typos and a greater risk of missing information due to the time it takes to manually key in and submit data each time a shipment is sent.
    • If you choose to enter your traceability data manually, use the Excel template to create a file containing the items you typically sell to your customer. Then, edit the traceability data that change each time a shipment is sent to that customer. You can then manually email to us, or upload it online within your ReposiTrak account.
    • There is also an option to manually key in your traceability data within your ReposiTrak account using our easy-to-use shipment screens. View the Training Guide | Entering a Shipment Online, which can also be found on the TRAINING GUIDES tab.

Traceability is the process of creating and storing records about a product as it moves, end-to-end, through the supply chain.

The FDA’s FSMA 204 food traceability rule states that the goal of traceability is “to create a safer, more transparent food supply chain [through] the faster identification and rapid removal of potentially contaminated food from the market, resulting in fewer foodborne illnesses and/or deaths.”

ReposiTrak uses the Traceability Lot Code associated with each product to track pieces of information as the product changes hands or changes form. These pieces of information or “Key Data Elements (KDEs)” include information about where the product was shipped from, where it was received, when transactions or transformations occurred, how much of the product was delivered, and the timing of the deliveries to the store or warehouse.

Each time you ship to your customer, these records have to get created, and that’s the job of ReposiTrak.

KDEs include a combination of static and transactional information often found in different types of systems that you probably already have set up today. ReposiTrak collects the KDEs from your existing systems and assembles the KDEs into KDE records through automation.

KDEs are the building blocks of “KDE Records,” which are required by your customer and by the FDA to do traceability.

Here are some examples of KDEs and where they can be found:

  • Static information such as the Traceability Lot Code or Batch Lot Code for the food, as well as the addresses of the shipping and receiving locations, typically appears on a Bill of Lading (BOL).
  • Transactional information, such as the date that a shipment was sent or received, might be found in a Warehouse Management System (WMS) or accounting system.

CLICK HERE to view the complete list of KDEs and their definitions on the ReposiTrak Traceability Network Companion Page.

Here’s a closer look at how we use your data and your customer’s data to construct a complete KDE Receiving Record for your customer. Remember, the FDA requires a KDE Record at each Critical Tracking Event (CTE). You will be required to create your own KDE Shipping Record, we will be creating your customer’s KDE Receiving record.

When you ship your product to your customer, there are multiple KDE Records that gets created starting with your data.

Your KDE Shipping Record

Your Customer’s KDE Receiving Record at the DC/Warehouse

Your Customer’s KDE Shipping Record from the DC/Warehouse

Your Customer’s KDE Receiving Record at the Store


In order to create complete traceability records, ReposiTrak must collect a set of Key Data Elements (KDEs) that have been specified by your customer. Below, please find tables including definitions of the most common KDEs required by retailers and wholesalers, as well as a separate list of additional KDEs that you may need to provide

Most KDEs are likely to be found in your Warehouse Management System (WMS), accounting systems or another existing system.

Please review the charts below to understand what fields are required by your customer to be sent to ReposiTrak for every shipment:

  • In the first column, you’ll find a definition for each required Shipping Key Data Element (KDE).
  • The second column contains character limits for each KDE field.
  • The last two columns provide examples of how your KDEs may appear.

Underneath the first table, you’ll find links to view how the data from Example 1 and Example 2 would appear in a Comma Separated Values (CSV) traceability file.

Most common Key Data Elements (KDEs)
Shipping KDEs Character Limit Example 1 Example 2
Your Company Headquarters ID
This is the alphanumeric code that you use internally to identify your company (DUNS, DUNS+4, an internal number or another identifier).
(30) 12345 1234567891234
Your location from which the food was shipped (the “Facility ID” for the shipper)
This is the alphanumeric code that you use internally to identify the plant, warehouse, cold storage, production facility (or other facility type) where product was shipped from (DUNS, DUNS+4, GLN, an internal number or another identifier). This code or ID must match the Facility ID for the shipping location that you provide during the Information Gathering steps when connecting to the ReposiTrak Traceability Network.
(30) 01 987654321
Customer “Bill To” ID
This is the customer’s name or number as it appears in your system(s). It identifies your retail or wholesale customer at a corporate level (DUNS, DUNS+4, GLN, an internal number or another identifier).
(30) 12345 0001234561234
Customer “Ship To” ID (the “Facility ID” for the receiver)
This is the location description for where the food was received. It identifies the physical location where your product is received by your retail or wholesale customer. This is usually a warehouse or distribution center (DUNS, DUNS+4, GLN, an internal number or another identifier).
(30) DC01 555556666
Your Item Number
This is the item code that you use internally to reference the item within your systems. If you don’t have an Item Number, then you can use a UPC or PLU.
(30) 32653 11234512345
Your Item Name/Description
The name of your product and a text description.
(45) Tomato Tomato
Item UPC or PLU
This is the 12-digit UPC or 14-digit GTIN assigned to the item. For produce items that do not have a UPC, the 4 or 5-digit PLU code may be provided.
Click here to view an example UPC Barcode
(30) 15555555555 4800
The quantity for the food
This is the number of items shipped.
(12) 200 200
The unit of measure for the food
This shows how the food is measured. Examples include: BG-Bag, CA-Case, LB-Pound, EA-Each, CT-Count, etc.
(10) CA CA
Date Shipped
The date you shipped the food. Use the format YYYYMMDD.
(14) 20241201 20241201
Traceability Lot Code (TLC)
The descriptor, often alphanumeric, used to uniquely identify a Traceability Lot within the records of the supplier who assigned the TLC.
Click here to view more information from the FDA
(60) 155228876 LC20231201
Traceability Lot Code (TLC) Reference Document Type
This describes the type of document that contains the TLC. Examples include: Bill of Lading (BOL), Production Record, Advanced Shipping Notice (ASN), etc.
Click here to view more information from the FDA
(14) BOL ASN
Traceability Lot Code (TLC) Reference Document Number
Click here to view more information from the FDA
(60) 123456XYZ 000012345
Traceability Lot Code (TLC) Source
This is the location description for who generated the TLC. If the TLC (lot code) was created by you, then the TLC Source information should be your company information. However, if the product already had a TLC assigned when it came into your facility, then the TLC Source would have to be the company who originally assigned the TLC. Examples of TLC Source include: the 11-digit FDA Food Facility Registration Number, a website address that provides the FDA with the location description of the TLC source, or the supplier’s name and mailing address. NOTE: do NOT use commas in this field.
Click here to view more information from the FDA
(400) FFR 110200841526 ABC Supplier
123 Any St Anytown ZZ 12345

In the links below, you can see how the data from Example 1 and Example 2 would appear in a CSV traceability file:

Additional KDEs That May Be Required by a Retailer or Wholesaler
Shipping KDEs Character Limit Example 1 Example 2
Consumer Unit Size
The unit size of the consumer unit inside the case. For example, if heads of lettuce are packaged individually, the consumer unit size would be “1.” If crackers are packaged in boxes that weigh 12 oz. each, the consumer unit size would be 12.
(6) 1 12
Unit of Measure Code
The unit of measure of the consumer unit of the food inside the case. For example, heads of lettuce packaged by the “each” would be marked “ea.” Or “each.” Crackers packed in 12 oz. boxes would be “oz.” or “ounces.”
(10) each oz
The 14-digit GTIN assigned to the food.
(16) 10614141000002 10613441000657
Packs Per Case
The number of units packed inside the case.  For example, if there are 6, 12-ounce boxes to a case, the Packs Per Case would be 6.
(6) 1 6
Country of Origin
The 2-digit country code for the country where the food originated.
(2) US MX
Product Change Notice #
Reference information as defined for a particular Transaction Set or as specified by the Reference Identification Qualifier. Use only if there has been a material change to the product.
(15) REF*PZ*56451100~ 6532110
At least one of the following date fields may be required.
Pack Date
The date the food was packed. Use the format YYYYMMDD.
(14) 20240101 20240101
Expiration Date
The expiration date of the food. Use the format YYYYMMDD.
(14) 20231030 20231030
Best Before Date
The Best Before Date for the food. Use the format YYYYMMDD.
(14) 20240701 20240701
Production/Harvest Date
The production or harvest date for the food. Use the format YYYYMMDD.
(14) 20230927 20230927

In the links below, you will find templates for providing the additional KDEs in Comma Separated Values (CSV) and Excel (XLXS) formats:


In order to share traceability data with your customer for every shipment, you’ll first need to set up your data (KDEs) in a “traceability file.” The first step is to create a “test” file and send it to us so that we can check it for accuracy.

You’ll build and submit your test file as part of the guided steps that are part of Step 2: Create Your Connection within the ReposiTrak application. To get to those steps, click the “Get Started” link in the emails you’ve received from ReposiTrak on behalf of your customer.

Some important notes:

  • Your test file must be created using real, current traceability data (KDEs). That way, we can test that your file is accurate and complete.
  • If you’re a seasonal supplier and don’t have data from a current shipment, you may use data from the last shipment you sent to your customer.
  • We’ll also use your test file to validate the data sharing protocol that you’ve selected. You can learn more on tab 3. CHOOSE YOUR DATA SHARING PROTOCOL.

Creating your traceability file is easy. We accept many different file formats including Comma Separated Values (CSV) files, Excel (XLSX) files or in an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) file. If you already have a system that contains all of your traceability data or KDEs and can export that data into a CSV file, then simply send us a copy of that file.

  • If you need to export your traceability data into an Excel (XLSX) file, you can use our template as a guide. The template contains two rows of example data that you will need to remove. We just wanted you to see how your data should appear:
  • If you’re using Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), here is a link to download the layout of an EDI 856 Guide:

It’s important to note that the field names in your traceability file do not need to be an exact match to the names of the Key Data Elements (KDEs) listed in the previous tab or to the KDE names included in the templates. However, if you use different names or titles for your KDEs, you’ll be asked to “match” the data you’ve provided with each required KDE.


On this page, you’ll find a list of communication methods or data sharing protocols that you can use to transmit your traceability file to ReposiTrak every time you send a shipment to your customer.

These are the same protocols listed within the ReposiTrak application under Step 2: Create Your Connection. Once you choose a protocol within the application, you’ll be provided with instructions that are specific to that protocol so that you can complete your connection.

You’ll first use the protocol you choose to send your “test” file to ReposiTrak. Then, that will become the protocol you use on a regular basis to share your traceability files with ReposiTrak every time you send a shipment to your customer.

Once you send us your test tile using this protocol, we’ll email you immediately if any errors are detected. You will be provided with information about the errors and instructions on what corrections to make before resubmitting your test file.


Please add our email address to your safe sender list.

If you choose to send your traceability file through a Value Added Network (VAN), the VAN needs to agree to connect to ReposiTrak using a direct AS2, FTP or SFTP connection. ReposiTrak will not assume costs incurred from use of a VAN.

If you have questions/changes regarding a connection after it is set up and tested, please email us at

Protocol Options (choose only one):
FTP Using ReposiTrak Server (Commonly Used)

File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a standard communication protocol used for the transfer of computer files from one server to another. This option is used if you want to connect to ReposiTrak’s FTP server to delivery traceability files.

FTP Using Your Server (Commonly Used)

File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a standard communication protocol used for the transfer of computer files from one server to another. This option is used if you want ReposiTrak to connect to your company’s FTP server to retrieve their traceability files. You will need to provide the server name/IP address for ReposiTrak to connect to, as well as the login/user ID and password that ReposiTrak will use to log onto your company’s server.

Automated Files Sent Via Email (Commonly Used)

This option uses Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), which allows different email accounts and clients to exchange messages over the internet. This option is used if you want to send automatically-generated traceability files via email to ReposiTrak.

You will need to provide the email domain(s) that will be sending the traceability files to ReposiTrak.

This option can only be used for sending automatically generated files to PCG/ReposiTrak.

SFTP Using ReposiTrak Server

Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) is a file transfer protocol that uses SSH encryption to transfer files from one server to another. This option is used if you want to connect to ReposiTrak’s SFTP server to deliver traceability files. ReposiTrak will provide the server address name that you will connect to, as well as the login/user ID and password (or key, if preferred).

In order to use this option, you will need to provide the IP address(es) for your company’s server(s) that files will be sent from, so that the IP(s) can be added to the ReposiTrak firewall whitelist.

SFTP Using Your Server

Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) is a file transfer protocol that uses SSH encryption to transfer files from one server to another. Suppliers use this option if they want ReposiTrak to connect to your company’s SFTP server to retrieve traceability files. You will need to provide the server name/IP address that ReposiTrak connects to, as well as the login/user ID and password (or key, if preferred) that ReposiTrak will use to log onto your company’s server.

Please add our IP’s ( & to your firewall, if necessary.


AS2 is a protocol for secure exchange of business files over the internet. It uses digital certificates, encryption and message receipts to ensure the authenticity, integrity and non-repudiation of the files. AS2 is typically used by larger companies that prefer to send EDI X12 files. You will need to download ReposiTrak’s AS2 profile and certificate using the links below, and add the ReposiTrak IPs to your firewall (if necessary). You will need to provide their AS2 profile and certificate to ReposiTrak.

Please download our AS2 profile and Certificate using the buttons below. Once you have us setup in your system (including adding our IP’s to your firewall, if necessary), please email YOUR profile and certificate to our Support team using this link: AS2 setup request. After Support receives your information, they will reply regarding testing.

Upload Shipment File Online Through ReposiTrak (Less Common)

Log into your ReposiTrak account and select the Traceability solution. Then select Traceability. In the menu, select “Upload my documents containing shipping KDEs.” Click Choose File to select the file you will upload from your network. Once selected, the name of the file will appear in the File to Submit field. Click File Upload and upload your selected file.

Online Data Entry (Less Common)

Online data entry will require the manual keying of information each time a shipment is sent to your customer.

Yes, please visit the ReposiTrak Training Guides page to view tutorials for using various parts of the ReposiTrak application.

The FDA's Food Safety Modernization Act Section 204d (FSMA 204) changes the recordkeeping requirements for food supply chain companies. The law requires specific Key Data Elements (KDEs) to be captured, created and exchanged at specific Critical Tracking Events (CTEs) throughout the supply chain.

Lot code-level traceability information is required to comply with the FSMA 204 food traceability law. Other retailers and wholesalers may require traceability for additional foods and require additional data than is outlined by your customer and/or by the FDA.

ReposiTrak is the world’s largest food traceability and regulatory compliance network. Companies throughout the supply chain use the ReposiTrak Traceability Network to exchange food traceability information to meet and exceed the FDA’s FSMA 204 food traceability law. Thousands of suppliers and retail locations and dozens of distribution centers are connected.

Suppliers in the ReposiTrak Traceability Network can exchange traceability data with an unlimited number of other in-network customers, for an unlimited number of shipments, for one low, flat fee. The ReposiTrak Traceability Network can also be used by food producers and manufacturers to collect traceability information from downstream suppliers.

If you have questions or would like to learn more, please contact the ReposiTrak Enrollment Team at 888-842-5465 or

The ReposiTrak Traceability Network is the world’s largest and the ONLY operating food traceability network. More than 12,000 retail stores, 8,000 suppliers and dozens of distribution centers use the ReposiTrak Traceability Network to exchange food traceability data in order to meet and exceed the FDA’s FSMA 204 food traceability law.

As part of the ReposiTrak Traceability Network, you will be able to exchange traceability data with your customer and other retailers and wholesalers both inside of, and outside of, the ReposiTrak Traceability Network. As with all of our solutions, ReposiTrak’s dedicated Customer Support Team is available to help.

Connecting to the ReposiTrak Traceability Network is easy. To get started, click the link in the invitation that was sent from your customer. If you already have a ReposiTrak account, there will also be a prompt for you within the ReposiTrak application after you’ve logged in. You’ll be walked through a set of guided steps to first gather basic information about your company (15-20 minutes) and then to gather the technical information needed to share the right data with your customer (2-2.5 hours)

Here’s what you’ll need to complete the fast, easy process to connect to the ReposiTrak Traceability Network:

  • Basic information about your company, including contact information for people in certain roles (such as sales, IT, food safety and legal) and the addresses of your main office and other facilities.
  • Someone to sign an agreement on behalf of your company. If you will not be the person signing the agreement, begin thinking of who will and let them know that you will be forwarding the agreement to them soon.
  • A form of payment* such as ACH, credit card or wire transfer that can be used to process the low, flat, per facility fee of $2,148 paid annually in advance. Remember, that fee enables you to exchange traceability information with an unlimited number of in-network customers for an unlimited number of shipments. Your membership becomes more valuable as more of your retail, wholesale and/or restaurant companies use the ReposiTrak Traceability Network, too. We encourage you to introduce ReposiTrak to your customers. (*Some retailers and wholesalers will bill you directly for traceability services.)
  • For the technical steps, you’ll need to engage someone from your Information Technology (IT) team or another technical resource who understands the systems where Key Data Elements (KDEs) can be found. These systems often include: Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), supply chain and logistics, IT and even accounting systems.

Your customer will be reviewing the list of noncompliant vendors with ReposiTrak on a weekly basis. Please complete the online sign-up process on time to avoid noncompliance with your customer’s requirement.

If at any time you need to exit the process, just click “Save & Come Back Later.” Your progress will be saved and you can click the link to start where you left off.

The best practice is once per day.

As soon as possible within the 30-day sign up period.

Yes, a test file is required. All traceability files are tested in-house by ReposiTrak. We will inform you of any errors or issues via the ReposiTrak application or email.

No, we do not charge for testing your traceability file.

Best practice is to send all items. (Less work, too.)


FSMA 204 requires that you pass KDEs along with the movement of the product to your customer.

Yes, if your customer requires it.

Subscribing to the ReposiTrak Traceability Network is important even for seasonal suppliers due to the FSMA 204 food traceability law. For one low, flat, per facility fee, you can share traceability data with all of your grocery customers within the ReposiTrak Traceability Network. This setup helps you meet the requirements of your customers efficiently and cost-effectively.

The data received is stored in a class 5 secure environment, encrypted, translated and displayed in your account for viewing.

The law is NOW in effect. It was signed into law in January 2023.

Accomplishing traceability takes some setup on your part and ours. With tens of thousands of shipments sent daily in the supply chain, it is not wise to wait until the last minute to begin your setup. Additionally, initial feedback indicates that FDA auditors have already started asking suppliers about their traceability plans.

The days of one-up, one-back tracking are behind us. The FSMA 204 regulation now requires the creation, collection and storage of more information than ever before and the long list of Key Data Elements (KDEs) that are required cannot be printed, exchanged or modified with traditional labeling and scanning methods.

Your retailer and wholesaler customers are required to take in more data now as well. This information must be available to them in a format that can be retreived and organized into a sortable spreadsheet per the FDA requirement within 24 hours’ notice.

KDEs can be found in documents and electronic systems used for ordering, shipping and receiving. To begin exchanging traceability information through the ReposiTrak Traceability Network, you’ll need to have access to these documents and systems.

KDEs can appear on one or more of the following documents or systems. For example, an ASN might contain the name and address of the supplier, but the lot code might only appear on an invoice or packing slip. ReposiTrak collects and synchronizes KDEs from multiple documents or systems into the readable format that the FDA needs.

Common documents and systems that contain KDEs:

  • Advance Shipping Notice
  • Bill of Lading
  • Packing List
  • Shipping Labels
  • Invoice
  • Purchase Order
  • Proprietary export from any of your systems

No, the traceability data that you send to ReposiTrak is stored within the ReposiTrak Traceability Network for traceability purposes. This data is not forwarded to your customer as a shipment file. If you are interested in using ReposiTrak for creating your shipment files, please contact to talk with our dedicated Customer Success Team.

No, the traceability file you send (.xlsx) must have only one (1) tab or sheet.

You only need to list your facilities that ship product to (or have product picked up from) the customer(s) that require you to use the ReposiTrak Traceability Network. For example, if the product is manufactured at one facility and then shipped to the customer from another facility, then you are only required to list the second facility.

You are only required to provide information here about your company’s facilities doing business with the customer who has required you to connect to the ReposiTrak Traceability Network.

You may have other facilities that do not ship product to (or have product picked up from) that customer. There is no need to enter the information for facilities not associated with this customer at this time.
The FDA defines a “facility” as any location (either owned by the supplier or operated by a third-party doing business on behalf of the supplier) that makes, packs or holds product for the supplier. Examples include a manufacturing plant, distribution center or warehouse, commissary or third-party cold storage warehouse.

You can send KDEs for multiple items in the same file. You do not need to provide a separate file for each item.

No, each lot code must be listed separately in your traceability file. For items with multiple lot codes, such as tomatoes, your file must include individual rows for each code to accurately reflect the quantities shipped per lot code.

Each individual item that’s part of a special display or shipper (and is required by your customer to be tracked) should be included in the traceability file that you send to ReposiTrak. Each item in the display should be treated as its own individual item, meaning that each item should be broken out in the file with its appropriate quantities and Traceability Lot Code (TLC) information.

The Traceability Lot Code (TLC) for the food must appear on the case and/or label in the image you provide in order to meet the traceability requirements of your customer. This must be the same TLC that appears in the data file that you send to ReposiTrak. While the FDA does not specifically require the TLC to be printed on the case or label, the FDA does require lot-level traceability. ReposiTrak uses the TLC to assemble the complete KDE record required by your customer.

A Traceability Lot Code (TLC) is an alphanumeric descriptor used to uniquely identify a traceability lot within the records of the traceability lot code source, similar to what is commonly referred to as a "lot" or "lot code." If you have questions or issues regarding TLCs, consider the following steps:

Lacking TLCs: Visit the FDA's website for comprehensive information on TLCs. FDA Traceability Lot Code Guidelines.

Labeling Issues: If your label producer is not printing TLCs on your labels, contact them to discuss starting this process.

Third-Party Warehouse Management: Coordinate with your third-party warehouse to ensure they collect and report TLCs each time a shipment is sent, allowing you to include these in your traceability files sent to ReposiTrak.

Traceability requirements vary by retailer and wholesaler. Some major retailers and wholesalers have already made the decision to trace more foods than the FDA requires.

If your customer requires you to do traceability, then you must comply. If a retailer or wholesaler chooses to do business with a supplier who refuses to do traceability, then the retailer or wholesaler assumes the legal risk. That risk is so high that many retailers and wholesalers have made the decision to trace all foods, or more foods than the FDA requires, and therefore no exemptions truly exist.

It is recommended that you send your traceability file to ReposiTrak within 24 hours of your shipment. If your customer has specific guidelines in place, please follow their guidelines.

ReposiTrak can accept Excel (XLSX), Comma Separated Values (CSV), EDI and certain other formats of data files. We cannot accept Word Documents or PDFs.

EDI files can be sent via a VAN as long as the following criteria are met:

  • The VAN must establish a direct connection using AS2, FTP, or SFTP protocols.
  • ReposiTrak must not incur any additional costs from its use.

No, using EDI is optional. While we do not mandate a specific format for EDI, we provide a sample ASN (EDI 856) for guidance. Download our EDI sample and learn more here .