Suppliers using Safe Quality Foods Institute (SQFI) auditing to meet Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) audit requirements struggled with the intensely manual process of maintaining all required records and making them available to onsite auditors. Their binders were thick, documents were expired and the staff needed to manage the ever-increasing list of required records kept growing.
Supplier Improves Audit-Readiness with ReposiTrak Compliance Management

Compliance Management for Themselves
Because ReposiTrak technology also supports SQF auditing, this SQF-certified supplier was easily able to upload and share regulatory, business and partnership records in addition to the results of their SQF audits required by their customer trading partners. The auditor was easily able to view required documents in ReposiTrak saving time and ensuring a smooth audit experience for the supplier.
Compliance Management for their Vendors
In order to ensure their vendors continue to meet the requirements of their Approved Supplier Program, this SQF-certified supplier enrolled their vendors in ReposiTrak’s Compliance Management solution and provided each vendor with a list of document requirements necessary to maintain vendor status. This supplier was easily able to view their vendor’s enrollment and document compliance online and make objective, informed decisions to reduce the risk associated with non-compliant vendors.
- Leveraged compliance and safe food practices to win new business
- Automation enabled reassigning two resources to business building activities
- Vendor compliance improved significantly, even with doubling the number of vendors and increasing required documents per vendor