Date: December 12, 2018
Our partners at Michigan State University provided an update on the latest food fraud compliance requirements and best practices to reduce the fraud opportunity. Since there are so many evolving laws, regulations, standards, and certifications there are many changes in the requirements and best practices. The topics covered included the definition and scope of food fraud, insight on efficient and effective vulnerability assessments, structure on how to conduct and incident review or investigate suspicious activity, insight on the organization and governance of food fraud prevention, and then empirical research that is evaluating the current systems.
Our speakers hail from MSU’s Food Fraud Initiative, which is an interdisciplinary research, education, and outreach organization. They focus on all types of fraud that can contribute to public health and economic vulnerabilities and threats. These include adulteration, misbranding, tampering, overruns or licensee fraud, theft, diversion, simulation, and counterfeiting.
Our Presenters:

Dr. John Spink
Director of the Food Fraud Initiative within the College of Veterinary Medicine at Michigan State University (USA)
Since 2013 Dr. John Spink has been the Director of the Food Fraud Initiative within the College of Veterinary Medicine at Michigan State University (USA). Food Fraud Initiative is an interdisciplinary activity focused on detecting and deterring this public health and economic threat. The research focus is on policy and strategy starting with Criminology and through the application of business decision-making and COSO/ Enterprise Risk Management.
Dr. Douglas Moyer
Assistant Professor in Michigan State University’s Master of Public Health Program (College of Human Medicine)
Dr. Moyer is an Assistant Professor in Michigan State University’s Master of Public Health Program (College of Human Medicine) since 2009. He teaches and develops online graduate-level courses including Public Health Capstone and the Public Health Risks from Counterfeit Pharmaceuticals. Dr. Moyer is also an adjunct instructor with MSU’s Online Master of Science in Food Safety Program (College of Veterinary Medicine). There he develops content and lectures in courses such as Introduction to Food Safety, Food Safety Toxicology, Food Protection and Defense, and Global Food Safety.