ReposiTrak, NGA Partner for Affordable, Faster Traceability

Through automation and our proven supply chain technology, the [ReposiTrak Traceability Network] simplifies the creation and sharing of the Key Data Element records required by the FDA. Read More

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Which Foods are Most Impacted by Traceability?

Riskiest Fresh Foods on the Food Traceability List Every item on the Food Traceability List is there for a reason. The FDA created the FTL using a sophisticated risk-ranking model. Every category—and the many that will eventually be added—represents ...

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Is It Already Too Late to Take On Traceability?

That’s a question not enough leaders in grocery retail are asking. The FDA’s landmark food traceability act will be finalized in November 2022, with a 2-year window to prepare. Is that enough time for you to modify the workflow and systems at your di...

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Labor Savings Blog Series - Food Traceability

Doing More with Less – 3 Ways to Save with ReposiTrak: Part 2

Food Traceability Labor shortages and cost increases are affecting every node of the post-COVID food supply chain industry. With job vacancy rates in the retail trade topping 1 million open positions, suppliers, retailers and wholesalers are...

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Randy Fields Talks About Great Advancements in Food Traceability and How the Industry Can Comply

Beyond the FDA’s new FSMA 204 regulations, food traceability is good for the industry. Having a solid, technology-based track and trace program in place makes the recall process faster, easier and less expensive. Additionally, tracking where a ...

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